The Orange Grove Friends library adjoins the Meeting Room. It is a free lending library that allows members and attenders to check out books. You fill out a card when you borrow and then mark it when returning the book.
Click on the links below to browse books in our library. If you need help either with the physical library or with the library catalogs on this website, please speak with the Clerk of the Library Committee.
Browse Orange Grove books by AUTHOR
Browse Orange Grove books by SUBJECT
Search Orange Grove books on LIBRARY THING The “LIBRARY THING” is a powerful tool for searching our Orange Grove library. Here are some tips:
- In the upper left corner, you can change the type of books that you are searching. For example, “All Collections” refers to all the books in the OGMM library.
- You can sort the results on the screen at any time by clicking on the heading of the column you want to sort by.
- The “Tags” column indicates the section of the library where the book is shelved.
- If you get lost, come back to this page and start again.
- LIBRARY THING is a “shared cataloging” site, so it is possible to see the holdings of other libraries and individuals that use the site. However, at this time we can’t give instructions because we don’t know how. If you figure it out, please e-mail us using the Contact Us page of this website, addressing it to the Webmaster. We’re interested in adding the instructions.
- There may be interactive features, such as reviewing or recommending books. These are not available at this time.