The Advices and Queries for both adults and children are provided at the bottom of this page.
Introduction to Advices and Queries
Friends are committed to a way of worship that allows God continually to teach and transform us. The Advices and Queries remind us of the essential faith and principles of the Religious Society of Friends. They challenge and inspire us in our personal lives and in our corporate life. If the ideal of Christian discipleship seems impossibly demanding, and we become disheartened at times, we should remember that we seek it not with our own strength, but with the strength of the Light within.
The Advices and Queries are intended for use in Monthly Meetings as well as for personal devotions. Some Meetings read one section each month, during Meeting for Business or at other times, or publish them in Meeting newsletters. They may be used as a basis for annual reports on the State of the Meeting. Committees may find certain queries helpful in evaluating their activities.
As we speak to what we know to be true in our lives and listen to each other in humility and understanding, we trust in the Spirit that transcends our human effort and comprehension. So these Advices and Queries are offered for the comfort and discomfort of Friends, with the hope that we may be more faithful and find deeper joy in God’s service.
Source: 2001 edition of Faith and Practice by Pacific Yearly Meeting, which has kindly granted permission for its re-publication.
The Advices and Queries are arranged by month, one set each month for adults and one set for children. “First Month” refers to January, “Second Month” to February and so on. The Advices and Queries are meant to be rotated through as the year progresses. Each January, for example, the Advices and Queries for First Month would be addressed. Queries in regular print are intended for individuals. Italicized queries are intended for the Meeting collectively.